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w którym:
• opisujesz swoje wrażenia z wyjazdu,
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• pytasz kuzyna, jak on spędził wakacje.
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Odpowiedź :

Hi! I hope you’re doing well.

We came from holidays two days ago.Im sorry that i wasn't writing to you when we were on a trip but i had health problems.As you know we went to Baltic sea. One day i came to the beach alone.I met there two boys in my age. We started a conversation and became friends. They had a dumb idea to go at the forest far from our house. I was irresponsible and said yes. we climbed on a tall trees. suddenly the branch on which I was standing broke. i fell from a high height and broke my leg.my new friends called an ambulance and we went to the hospital.i spent the rest of the days laying on a bed because of this incident.

How are your holidays going?

Please text me as fast as you can i'm really curious.

We are sending hugs to RPA!