Zadanie w załączniku !!!! DAJE WSZYSTKO

Zadanie W Załączniku DAJE WSZYSTKO class=

Odpowiedź :


Hey Anna,

I went on holiday with my family to Majorca in Spain, for a week, over the school break it was so fun! There was a really big water park we went there nearly every single day and we had ice cream I loved it. I wanted to see dolphins but it is way too expensive so we didn't but overall, we had great fun. What did you do in the holidays?


Hey (imie kolezanki),

A few weeks ago I was on holiday in Croatia. It was really fun. I was they're with my parents. Everyday we went on a beach to swim in the sea. at the beach there were crabs and many fishes. Our hotel was very big. it had a really nice beds. owner of this hotel was really nice. she gave us cookies with chocolate cream. I was sad because we couldn't go and visit the mountains there.

Best regards, (twoje imie).

82 słowa