Complete the text with the correct forms of the words from the box. There are two extra words.
collect / develop / do / follow / protect / remain / sit / walk
The Giants of Georgia
In 2008, a farmer _____ with his animals through the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia. He used Prawidłowa odpowiedź: to doto do this often, but on this day he saw the unusual _____ of an old stone structure. The farmer decided to explore the area. Inside the structure were two human skeletons. They _____ on chairs in front of a table. What was so interesting? The bodies were extremely large.
He contacted a team of archaeologists. On the way there, they saw some very large statues and what seemed to be a large stone road through the forest.
The scientists _____ evidence (i.e. some of the bones) and took it to Tbilisi, the capital city of Georgia. They asked Professor Vikua, famous for discovering Homo Erectus Georgicus, to help them, but he died before he could do any research. When the scientists looked for the bones that Professor Vikua had, they could not find them.
In 2014, the Science Channel opened a new investigation, but they haven't found any new evidence or _____ a theory to explain these mysterious giant bones.