Po angielsku. Twój kolega zachorował na covida napisz dla niego e-mail w którym wyrazisz
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Odpowiedź :


Będzie zwał sie Jimm

18.01.2021, (twoja miejscowość)


Hello Jimm ,I found out you got Covid -19,I feel sorry for you, I hope you get better soon. Covid 19 is a terrible disease, it is several years old, a vaccine already exists. However, this is not the most important thing. Are you okay anyway? Many people say that smell and taste are lost with this disease, do you have these symptoms? In my opinion, you should stay at home and take another test after 2 weeks. If you are going to go somewhere, be sure to put on a mask and keep a distance!

Take care and hope you get better soon!

(Twoje imię)

Ps.Answer me quickly