2 Complete the words in the dialogues XI love your jacket mpletes forts by income e UK'sines e UK five ye Y. Thank you! I got it in thes last month. It was €25 - a real gein 2 ved have X: What did you buy in the shopping Y:I got two T-shirts male complete fect for X-Two? $____ Y: Yes, they were on ____loff.__-it was by s one get ole fee. 3 X: If I buy two printers, can you give me ad Y: Yes, we can We'll give you 25% 0 U 4 Y: I don't know I'mac- X: Can I buy ag - C-_d for this shop? San Francis five days Gate Bridge X: Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you were the s__p a 5 X: How much P-_-_t m_n do you get? The Y: €5 a week.