1. chief
Because to make plural of wolf, elf, knife we need to add-es; to make the plural of chief we add only -s
2. spoon
Because man, tooth, person are irregular plurals (men, teeth people) and spoon is regular – to make it plural we add -s
3. house
Because match, tax, cross can be both nouns and verbs while house is just a noun
4. today
Because volley, fly, toy are objects while today expresses time
5. radio
Because to make plural of potato, tomato, hero we need to add-es; to make the plural of radio we add only -s
6. bride
Because actor, doctor, lawyer are professions and bride is not
7. bar of chocolate
Because brother-in-law, passer-by, by-stander are people and bar of chocolate is an object
8., widower
Because princess, niece, heroine are women and widower is a man