Przetłumacz zdania na angielski
1 Ich pociąg wyruszył pięć godzin temu, więc na pewno dotarli już do Londynu.

2 Kiedyś nasze podróże do Irlandii trwały bardzo długo, ponieważ musieliśmy płynąć promem.

3 Być może ten tygrys uciekł swojemu właścicielowi.

4 On na pewno nie spóźnił się na swój lot, bo dzwonił do mnie z lotniska.

5 Kiedyś każdego lata wędrowaliśmy z plecakami po górach, a na noc rozbijaliśmy namiot w dolinach.

6 Być może to schronisko młodzieżowe ma teraz nowych właścicieli.

7 W schowku na bagaż podręczny nie było mapy, więc na pewno zostawiła ją w poczekalni dla odlatujących.

8 Zarezerwowali pokój z widokiem na morze w trzygwiazdkowym hotelu.

9 W tym gęstym lesie żyły kiedyś wilki i niedźwiedzie, ale teraz można je zobaczyć tylko w zoo.

10 Kiedy dotarli do celu, zobaczyli wodospad spływający kaskadą ze stromego zbocza.

11 Autobus był tak zatłoczony, że wysiadłam na głównym placu i poszłam do ambasady piechotą.

12 Podróż powrotna może być dłuższa, ponieważ o 17.00 w mieście są korki.

13 Na wycieczce szkolnej musieliśmy znosić zrzędliwego przewodnika.

14 Kiedyś wszyscy urlopowicze biwakowali w kurortach nadmorskich, a teraz mogą nawet pojechać na safari.

15 W czasie ostatnich wakacji szkolnych mieliśmy niezapomnianą przygodę – leśnik pokazał nam parę orłów

Odpowiedź :


Their train left five hours ago, so they must have reached London by now.

2 In the past, our trips to Ireland were very long because we had to take the ferry.

3 Perhaps this tiger escaped from its owner.

4 He definitely wasn't late for his flight because he called me from the airport.

5 Once, every summer, we backpacked the mountains and pitched our tent in the valleys for the night.

6 Perhaps this youth hostel now has new owners.

7 There was no map in the hand luggage locker, so she must have left it in the departing lounge.

8 Booked a sea view room at a 3 star hotel.

9 Wolves and bears once lived in this dense forest, but now they can only be seen in the zoo.

10 When they reached their destination, they saw a waterfall cascading down a steep slope.

11 The bus was so crowded that I got off in the main square and walked to the embassy.

12 The return journey may be longer as there are traffic jams in the city at 5 pm.

13 We had to put up with a grumpy guide on a school trip.

14 Once upon a time, all vacationers camped in seaside resorts, and now they can even go on safaris.

During the last school holidays we had an unforgettable adventure - the forester showed us a couple of eagles

Odpowiedź: 1 Their train left five hours ago, so they must have reached London by now.

2 In the past, our trips to Ireland were very long because we had to take the ferry.

3 Perhaps this tiger escaped from its owner.

4 He definitely wasn't late for his flight because he called me from the airport.

5 Once, every summer, we backpacked the mountains and pitched our tent in the valleys for the night.

6 Perhaps this youth hostel now has new owners.

7 There was no map in the hand luggage locker, so she must have left it in the departing lounge.

8 Booked a sea view room at a 3 star hotel.

9 Wolves and bears once lived in this dense forest, but now they can only be seen in the zoo.

10 When they reached their destination, they saw a waterfall cascading down a steep slope.

11 The bus was so crowded that I got off in the main square and walked to the embassy.

12 The return journey may be longer as there are traffic jams in the city at 5 pm.

13 We had to put up with a grumpy guide on a school trip.

14 Once upon a time, all vacationers camped in seaside resorts, and now they can even go on safaris.

15 During the last school holidays we had an unforgettable adventure - the forester showed us a couple of eagles
