Pytanie: czy dialog ma dotyczyć nowego domu czy nowej szkoły? Na dole masz dwie opcje.
Nowy dom
Friend: What's your new house like?
You: Well, it's hard to say.
Friend: What do you mean?
You: On the upside it's much bigger than my old house, and there is a nice park nearby.
Friend That's good.
You: But the best thing is I finally get my own room.
Friend: So what's the downside?
You: I miss my old house and my old neighborhood.
Nowa szkoła
Friend: What's your new school like?
You: Well, it's good and bad at the same time.
Friend: What do you mean?
You: On the upside I like my school programme - advanced Math and Spanish.
Friend: That's good.
You: But the best thing are my new classmates. Everyone is very friendly and helpful.
Friend: So what's the downside?
You: I don't like my educator. He's weird and he often yells at us.