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Odpowiedź :

First, you must prepare an egg, ham, onions and salt. Fry onions about 10 minutes. Then add ham. Finally, add egg and mix. After 2 minutes the food ready.

Fry - smażyć
prepare - przygotować
must - musisz
egg- jajka
ham - szynka
onions - cebula
add - dodać
finally - pod koniec
mix - mieszać
after - po
ready - gotowe
Scrambled eggs

- 4 eggs
- becon
- oil

Scrable eggs into a glass. Mix it until it gets a plain color.
Take a frying-pan. Add some oil and sliced becon. Fry the becon until it gets purple. Add the eggs carefully to the pan. Fry everything about one minute mixing.