Rozmawiasz z koleżanka z zagranicy na temat posiłków w Polsce. Poinformuj ją :

-typowych porach jedzenia posiłków
-najczęściej jadanych na poszczególne posiłki produktach/potrawach
-rodzaje restauracji do których ty i twoi znajomi najczęściej chodzicie.

Odpowiedź :

A: We often eat breakfast about 7 a.m. becouse we must go to school. Next meal is elevenses (drugie śniadani), we eat it about 12 a.m. becouse it this time we have long break in school. When we are leave school, this is about 2-3 p.m. we eat dinner. And the last meal supper is at 6-7 p.m.
B: In my country we have different. So what did you eat usually?
A: For the breakfast I like eat omelette or youghurt. When I go to school, my maother give me sandwiches and I eat this on my break. But for dinner we have very different dish. It is always two. For the first it is some meat or fish with potatoes, and for second it is soup. For supper we have sandwiches with butter, cheese, cottage cheese and bread.
B: And you always eatat home? You never go out?
A: No, we often go out to the fast-foot bar or for pizza.