Opisz krótko po angielsku zawody : doktor, pielęgniarka, muzyk, nauczyciel, kucharz, dentysta, modelka, strażak, projektant mody, pilot. Musi być napisane - gdzie pracuje, czym się zajmuję, ile godzin spędza w pracy ( niekoniecznie ).

Pliiis na dzisiaj, mam straszną nauczycielkę ;(

Odpowiedź :

Doctor- we go to him when we are ill. He work in hospital
Pielęgniarka- she help doctor e.g in hospital
Nauczyciel- he teach us in school
kucharz-he cook for e.g in restaurant
dentysta- we go to him when we have toothahe. He work in clinic
modelka-this is a woman who shows how look like some costiums. He work on the runway
strażak- this is a very good person. Fireman can even help little cat on huge tree :P He must to be very responsible.
projektant-he works with models. He must tu have ideas about clothes and project them
pilot- this may be pilot of airplane or pilot of trip. pilot of trip tells tourists about monuments.
Na więcej mnie nie stać :D Ale myślę że tyle wystarczy
doktor - Doctor - he works in hospital
pielęgniarka - Nurse - she works in hospital
muzyk - musician - he works in music studio
nauczyciel - teacher - he works in school
kucharz - cooker - he works in restaurant
dentysta - dentist - he works in his cabinet
modelka - model - she works in fashion studio
strażak - firefighter / fireman - he works in fireguard
projektant mody - planner of fashion - he works in fashion studio
pilot - pilot - he works in a plane