zdania do przetłumaczenia
1Czy w twoim domu jest jadalnia(nie nie ma)
2czy w twoim pokoju jest komputer(tak jest)
3w naszej klasie jest kilka dziewcząt
4czy w twoim pokoju sa jakies plakaty(tak są)
5czy w twojej kuchni jest zmywarka
6czy w twoim domu sa jakies zwierzeta(tak sa)
7nie mam żadnych długopisów w piorniku

z góry dzięki :)

Odpowiedź :

1 Does your house is the dining room
2 whether in your home is your computer?
3 in our classroom are some of the girls
4 or in your room are the posters have any
5 whether in your kitchen is a dishwasher
6 whether in your home are any pets
7 I have no pens in pencilcase
1-Does your house is the dining room?
2-Whether in your home is your computer?
3-In our classroom are some of the girls.
4-Or in your room are the posters have any?
5-Whether in your kitchen is a dishwasher?
6-Whether in your home are any pets?
7-I have no pens in pencilcase.