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Antygona została napisana w około 442 roku p.n.e. przez Sofoklesa, a osią przewodnią dramatu były mity o Tebańskim rodzie Labdakidów.
Fabuła tragedii opowiada o poczynaniach dwójki głównych bohaterów: Antygony i Kreona.Najbliżsi kobiety giną w bratobójczej walce o ojczyznę. Tebański władca ciało Eteoklesa nakazuje z godnością pochować wraz z ciałami reszty poległych. Natomiast Polinejkes za swój niegodny czyn, ma być pozostawiony na pastwę dzikich zwierząt. Antygona nie potrafi pogodzić się z decyzją króla i postanawia złamać jego zakaz. Jest świadoma konsekwencji jakie spadną na nią po dokonaniu tego czynu, jednak przepełnia ją miłość i chce aby dusza i ciało jej zmarłego brata zaznały wiecznego spokoju. Podczas symbolicznego pochówku Polinejkesa, niewiasta zostaje złapana na gorącym uczynku i jest postawiona przed obliczem Kreona.Kreon nie chce słuchać rad innych, nie przekonuje go nawet Tyrezjasz, przepowiadający mu straszną katastrofę jaka zdarzy się po wydaniu wyroku. Antygona zostaje skazana na śmierć, poprzez zamknięcie w pustym pomieszczeniu bez pożywienia i wody. Hajmon dowiedziawszy się o wyroku ojca wydanym na ukochaną popełnia samobójstwo, a wraz z nimi robi to jego matka. a więc dopełnia się przepowiednia natchnionego wieszcza, Kreon zaczyna rozumieć swój błąd i to, że źle postąpił. Jednak jest już za późno, życia Antygonie, Hajmonowi i Eurydyce już nic nie zwróci.
Uważam, że każdy z nas, niezależnie od wieku, powinien przeczytać dzieło Sofoklesa. To krótkie streszczenie, przedstawione przeze mnie, pokazuje, jak wiele pouczeń niesie za sobą "Antygona". Jest to utwór o miłości i poświęceniu, błędach popełnianych przez człowieka, ale także jego pięknych postawach.

Odpowiedź :

Antigone was written around 442 years BC by Sophocles, and the axis of the drama were the leading myths about the Theban Labdakidów clan.
The story tells of the tragedy doings deuces main characters: Antigone and Kreona.Najbliżsi woman killed in fratricidal struggle for the homeland. Theban ruler body tells Eteocles be buried with dignity with the rest of the dead bodies. By contrast, Polynices for his unworthy conduct, is to be left at the mercy of wild animals. Antigone can not accept the decision of the king, and decides to break his ban. Is aware of the consequences that fall on it after this action, however, fills her love and wishes to heart and soul of her deceased brother zaznały eternal peace. While the symbolic burial of Polynices, the woman is caught in flagrante delicto and shall be brought before the Kreona.Kreon do not want to listen to the advice of others, does not convince him, even Tyrezjasz, prophets him what a terrible disaster happens after the ruling. Antigone is sentenced to death by the closure in an empty room without food and water. Hajmon heard a sentence given to his beloved father commits suicide, and with them doing it his mother. and thus completes the prophecy inspired prophet, Creon begins to understand his mistake and that he did wrong. However, it is too late, life, Antigone, Eurydice Hajmonowi and nothing is returned.
I believe that each of us, regardless of age, you should read the work of Sophocles. This is a brief summary presented by me, shows how much instruction entails "Antigone". This is a song about love and sacrifice, mistakes committed by man, but also its beautiful attitudes.
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Antigone was written around 442 years BC by Sophocles, and the axis of the drama were the leading myths about the Theban Labdakidów clan. <br>The story tells of the tragedy doings deuces main characters: Antigone and Kreona.Najbliżsi woman killed in fratricidal struggle for the homeland. Theban ruler body tells Eteocles be buried with dignity with the rest of the dead bodies. By contrast, Polynices for his unworthy conduct, is to be left at the mercy of wild animals. Antigone can not accept the decision of the king, and decides to break his ban. Is aware of the consequences that fall on it after this action, however, fills her love and wishes to heart and soul of her deceased brother zaznały eternal peace. While the symbolic burial of Polynices, the woman is caught in flagrante delicto and shall be brought before the Kreona.Kreon do not want to listen to the advice of others, does not convince him, even Tyrezjasz, prophets him what a terrible disaster happens after the ruling. Antigone is sentenced to death by the closure in an empty room without food and water. Hajmon heard a sentence given to his beloved father commits suicide, and with them doing it his mother. and thus completes the prophecy inspired prophet, Creon begins to understand his mistake and that he did wrong. However, it is too late, life, Antigone, Eurydice Hajmonowi and nothing is returned. <br>I believe that each of us, regardless of age, you should read the work of Sophocles. This is a brief summary presented by me, shows how much instruction entails &quot;Antigone&quot;. This is a song about love and sacrifice, mistakes committed by man, but also its beautiful attitudes.

Antigone was written around 442 years BC by Sophocles, and the axis of the drama were the leading myths about the Theban Labdakidów clan.
The story tells of the tragedy doings deuces main characters: Antigone and Kreona.Najbliżsi woman killed in fratricidal struggle for the homeland. Theban ruler body tells Eteocles be buried with dignity with the rest of the dead bodies. By contrast, Polynices for his unworthy conduct, is to be left at the mercy of wild animals. Antigone can not accept the decision of the king, and decides to break his ban. Is aware of the consequences that fall on it after this action, however, fills her love and wishes to heart and soul of her deceased brother zaznały eternal peace. While the symbolic burial of Polynices, the woman is caught in flagrante delicto and shall be brought before the Kreona.Kreon do not want to listen to the advice of others, does not convince him, even Tyrezjasz, prophets him what a terrible disaster happens after the ruling. Antigone is sentenced to death by the closure in an empty room without food and water. Hajmon heard a sentence given to his beloved father commits suicide, and with them doing it his mother. and thus completes the prophecy inspired prophet, Creon begins to understand his mistake and that he did wrong. However, it is too late, life, Antigone, Eurydice Hajmonowi and nothing is returned.
I believe that each of us, regardless of age, you should read the work of Sophocles. This is a brief summary presented by me, shows how much instruction entails "Antigone". This is a song about love and sacrifice, mistakes committed by man, but also its beautiful attitudes.