tytuł zadania Hobbies project
1Step 1-Think and make notes
Wybrać jakies hobby i zanotowac kilka pomysłów dotyczących nastepujacych zagadnień

2 Step 2-Write
Wykorzystujać pomysły,aby opisać wybrane hobby

3 Step 3-Check and correct
Prztczytawszy tekst.poprawcie błedy.Wasz tekst powinien byc interesujacy i łatwy do zrozumienia.Sprawdz estetyke pracy.

4 Step 4-Decorate
Wyszukaj zdiecia lub narysujcie ilustracje przedstawiające wybrane hobby

5 Step 5-Display
Wykonaj plakat,umieszczajac na nim twój tekst wraz z ilustracjami.!!!

W skrócie.. na kartce a3 lub a4 wkleic 4 obazki i do kazdego obrazka z hobby taki krotki opos o co w tym hobby chodzi napiszcie mi ten tekst do obrazka ineresuje mnie wszystkie hobby wiec wymyscie sobie sami hobby zajmoje sie wszystkim a zdiecia sam sobie juz w kleje dzieki za prace!!!!Praca na czwartek przyszly wiec chialbym go miec szybko zrobiony do srody!Z góry dzieki duzo punktowane

Odpowiedź :

Step 1
There are many hobbies:
collecting stamps
football fishing
Chosen hobby: Collecting stamps
notes: interesting, time taking, useful,

Step 2 &3
Chosen hobby: collecting stamps
Collecting stamps is very useful hobby. It doesn't require any physical moves like active sports for example football, basketball or hockey. It's also very interesting hobby. It takes lots of time so if you are boared you can choose this hobby. This hobby is specially suitable for old people.

Step4 (Patrz załącznik)

Mam nadzieje ze pomogłam

Zobacz obrazek Zuzza
Zobacz obrazek Zuzza
Zobacz obrazek Zuzza
Ride on rolls
Very much I like to roller blade. I am doing it already for a few years. I am doing it in every free time. Of course when weather conditions let me it.

Very much I like to dance. Best he specializes in the modern dance. I am already dancing from 8 of year of the life. I reached as many as a few awards in this field. I hope that in the life I will reach entire mass of awards.

Very much I like to ski. To ski already from one's childhood days. To ski taught me parents. For a few years every year I to go away for the holidays to all sorts camps. In the summer whereas I to go abroad with parents to skis for the month.
Prosze bardzo:

-Ride on rolls :
Very much I like to roller blade. I am doing it already for a few years. I am doing it in every free time. Of course when weather conditions let me it.
Very much I like to dance. Best he specializes in the modern dance. I am already dancing from 8 of year of the life. I reached as many as a few awards in this field. I hope that in the life I will reach entire mass of awards.
-Skiing :
Very much I like to ski. To ski already from one's childhood days. To ski taught me parents. For a few years every year I to go away for the holidays to all sorts camps. In the summer whereas I to go abroad with parents to skis for the month.

Myślę, ze pomogłem.
Licze na najlepszą odpowiedź.