przetłumaczyci na angielski

urodziłem sie w warszawie 1994.bardzo często zmieniałem domy.Teraz chodzę do klasy 3 gim mam dużo kolegów.Moje najlepsze wakacje to były w górach byłem tam z rodzicami.Maże o następnych wakacjach we włoszech bo lubję to miasto.W wolnych chwilach gram w gierki na komputerze .

Odpowiedź :

I was born in Warsaw 1994.I was changed my place living very often. Now I go to class 3-primary school. I have a lot of friends .My the best holiday were in the mountains I was there with a parents.I dream to spend next holiday in Italy because I love this city. In the free time I play computer games.
I was born in Warsaw in 1994. I very often changed houses. Now I go to a Class 3 school, I have many friends. He was my best vacation getaway in the mountains with his parents. I dream about the next vacation in Italy because I like this city. In my spare time I play games on my computer