Przetłumacz :
Jego początki sięgają średniowiecza.
Do dziś z tego okresu zachowały się stare mury i piwnice obiektu.
W murach zamku mieści się muzeum z wieloma unikatowymi eksponatami.
Jak głosi legenda: nocami po parku i zamkowych komnatach przechadza się Teofila z Działyńskich zwana "Białą Damą".

Odpowiedź :

His basics date back to the Middle Ages. To today from this period old walls and basements of the object behaved. A museum is located in castle walls with many unique exhibit items. How the legend is propagating: with nights is strolling around the park and castle chambers of Teofil around Działyńskich called the "White Lady".
Its origins date back to medieval times. To date from this period of time have been preserved old walls and building basements. The walls of the castle houses a museum with many unique exhibits. As the legend: at night in the park and the castle chambers walks Teofila, called "White Lady".
His beginnings are reaching middle ages. Untill now from this period there were old walls and basements of the object saved. In the walls of the castle there is a muzeum with very unique exhibits. How the legend says: by the night in the park and castle chambers strolls Teofila from Działyńskich called "White Lady"