Napisz po angielsku

1 Poczatek roku szkolnego zaczyna sie na poczatku wrzesnia
2 Wiosną czesto jest cieplo
3 Jesienia jest zwykle pochmurno i deszczowo
4 Zima jest czasami mroźno
5 Rok szkolny konczy sie pod koniec czerwca
6 Jesien konczy sie w listopadzie

Odpowiedź :

1 The beginning of the school year begins in early September.
2 spring is often heat.
3 Autumn is usually cloudy and rainy.
4 Winter is sometimes frostily.
5 The school year ends in late June.
6 Autumn ends in November.
1Start of the school year starts at the beginning of September
2 In spring is often warm
3 In autumn is usually cloudy and rainy
4 Winter is sometimes frosty
5 School year ends at the end of June
6Autumn ends in November
beginning of the school year is starting sie on beginning september
In spring often is warmth

Autum is usually cloudily and rainy

The winter is sometimes