Odpowiedź :
My favorite book is Harry Potter. I like it, because it have a lot action, some humor, and this amazing world... It is amazing to be sorcerer and do this all think like flying and using magic..
My favorite magazine is Top Gear. I like cars thats why I bought it first time... It have a lot pictures and reporters ride very interesting...
My favorite magazine is Top Gear. I like cars thats why I bought it first time... It have a lot pictures and reporters ride very interesting...
Zgaduję, że może przeczytałeś Harry'ego Pottera?
A gazeta to może Auto Świat?
My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Komnata Tajemnic). It's a story about a boy who is a wizard (czarodziej) and goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (magii i czarodziejstwa). There he learns arcane knowledge about magic and flying on a broom.
My favourite paper is Auto Świat. This is about cars and news from the motorised world (ze zmotoryzowanego świata). We can find out (możemy dowiedzieć się o) many interesting things about new technologies and new car models. The peper is featured with many large pictures of woderful vehicles. ( gazeta wzbogacona jest o wiele dużych fotografi wspaniałych pojazdów)
A gazeta to może Auto Świat?
My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Komnata Tajemnic). It's a story about a boy who is a wizard (czarodziej) and goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (magii i czarodziejstwa). There he learns arcane knowledge about magic and flying on a broom.
My favourite paper is Auto Świat. This is about cars and news from the motorised world (ze zmotoryzowanego świata). We can find out (możemy dowiedzieć się o) many interesting things about new technologies and new car models. The peper is featured with many large pictures of woderful vehicles. ( gazeta wzbogacona jest o wiele dużych fotografi wspaniałych pojazdów)