hej Kasiu! właśnie jestem na wakacjach w Grecji. Jest piękna pogoda, morze jest bardzo ciepłe a ludzie którzy tu mieszkają są bardzo przyjaźni i mili. świetnie się bawię. Wracam w sobote. Pozdrawiam

Cześć Aniu!
Jestem właśnie na małej wycieczce do Rosji. Jest tu strasznie, jedzenie w holelu jest nie smaczne, tubylcy bardzo nie mili i ciągle pada deszcz. Nie moge sie doczekac powroty z tego okropnego miejsca. Wracam w niedzielę. Pozdrawiam i tęsknie.

Odpowiedź :

Hey Kasia! I was on vacation in Greece. It is beautiful weather, the sea is very warm and the people who live here are very friendly and nice. having fun. I'll be back on Saturday. Yours

Hi Ann!
I'm just on a little trip to Russia. Here is terrible, the food is not tasty holelu, the natives are not very nice and still raining. Can not wait to return to this terrible place. I'll be back on Sunday. Yours and longingly.
Hey Kasia! I was on vacation in Greece. It is beautiful weather, the sea is very warm and the people who live here are very friendly and nice. having fun. I'll be back on Saturday. Marta
Hi Ann, I am just on a little trip to Russia. Here is terrible, the food is not tasty holelu, the natives are not very nice and still raining. Can not wait to return to this terrible place. I'll be back on Sunday. Yours and longingly. Marta
1. Hey Kasia! I was on vacation in Greece. It is beautiful weather, the sea is very warm and the people who live here are very friendly and nice. having fun. I'll be back on Saturday. Yours

2.Hi Ann!
I'm just on a little trip to Russia. Here is terrible, the food is not tasty holelu, the natives are not very nice and still raining. Can not wait to return to this terrible place. I'll be back on Sunday. Yours and longingly.