Przetłumacz z języka polskiego na język angielski:
1.Listonosz dostarcza gazety do domu.
2.Dostawa węgla do szkoły jest trudnym zadaniem.
3.Marek ma ogromną kolekcję płyt CD.
4.2 tygodnie temu obejrzeliśmy znakomitą wystawę obrazów Jana Matejki.
5.Bodyga jest osobą która ochrania sławne osoby.

Odpowiedź :

1. the postman is delivering newspapers home. 2. the delivery of coal to the school is a difficult task. 3. Marek has the huge record collection CD. 4. 2 weeks ago we watched an outstanding painting exhibition of Jan Matejko. 5. Bodyga is a person which is protecting famous persons.
1 The postman delievers newspapers at home.
2. Supply of coal in the school is a difficult job.
3. Mark has a huge colletion of CD's.
4. Two weeks ago we saw an excellent exhibition of Jan Matejko's pictures.
5. Bodyguard is a person, who protects famous people.
1. Postman supplies newspapers for house.
2.Delivery coal car until schools is not labour task.
3. Marek has greatness collection plate CD.
4.We have observed excellent exhibition of image of yan Matejki 2 week ago.
5.Which is person protect famous person Bodyga.