Przetłumaczyć :
Chodzę do pierwszej klasy liceum profilowanego.Interesuje się koszykówką , siatkówką . W wolnych chwilach lubię słuchać muzyki, oglądać TV oraz spotykać się z przyjaciółmi. Mieszkam w niedużym mieście. Znajduje się ono 100 km od Warszawy. Moje miasto słynie z wędlin. Chociaż jest to nieduże miasto to jest piękne.
W mieszkaniu mieszkam z rodzicami, ale także mam dwóch braci którzy mieszkają za granicą. Są starsi ode mnie ponad 10 lat. W mieszkaniu nie posiadam żadnych domowych zwierzątek.

Odpowiedź :

I go to first grade to high school profilowanego.Interesuje basketball, volleyball. In my free time I like listening to music, watching TV and hanging out with friends. I live in a small town. It is located 100 km from Warsaw. My city is famous for its sausages. Although this is a small town is beautiful. I live in an apartment with his parents, but I have two brothers who live abroad. Are older than me, more than 10 years. The apartment does not have any household pets.
I walk to first-class high school.I'm interested basketball, and volleyball. In the free time I like to listen to music, to examine the TV and to meet with friends. I live in the rather small city. It is 100 km from Warsaw. My city is famous for cold cooked meats. Even though there is this rather small city it is beautiful. In the flat I am living with my parents, but also I have two brothers which live abroad. They are older than me over 10 years. In the flat I have no domestic animals.
I'm in first-class high school. I'm interested in basketball and volleyball. When I've got some free time I like to listen to music, watch TV and meet with my friends. I live in small, but beautiful town placed 100 km from Warsaw. My town is famous for cold cooked meats. I am living in the flat with my parents, I also have two brothers who live abroad. They are older than me over 10 years. I haven't got any pets in my home.

Widzę, że koledzy którzy 'odpowiedzieli' na twoje pytanie używali translatora, albo maja blade pojęcie o języku angielskim =]. Jakbyś mógł daj najlepszego :D