dwa krótkie teksty.
tylko prosze nie z tłumacza.

Moim ulubionym raperem jest Peja.
Ma na imie Ryszard Andrzejewski.
Peja ma 33 lata, urodził sie w Poznaniu.
Jego najlpeszym albumem jest album " na serio"
W 2001 roku wystąpił w filmie "BLokersi"
Kocham jego muzyke.

To jedno z moich ulubionych zdjęc, zwiedzalismy Ateny.

Było to latem 2008 roku na obozie w Grecji.
Za mną stoi Pantenon, jedna z budowli na Akropolu.

Ateny chyba były najładniejszym miatem jakim do teraz widziałem.

Odpowiedź :

My favorite rapper is Peja.
Is the name Ryszard Andrzejewski.
Peja is 33 years old, was born in Poznan, Poland.
His album is najlpeszym album "seriously"
In 2001 he appeared in the film "Mind"
I love his music.

This is one of my favorite pictures, visited Athens.

It was the summer of 2008 at camp
in Greece.
Behind me stands Pantenon, one of the buildings on the Acropolis.

Athens was probably the most beautiful miata which until now I have seen.

My favourite rapper is Peja, his name is Ryszard Andrzejewski. Peja is 33 years old and he was born in Poznań. His best album is " na serio ". In 2001 he appeared in a polish movie called Blokersi". I really love his music.

This is one of my favourite photos, we were visiting the Athens. It was summer 2008, on the camp in Greece. Behind me you can see Panthenon, one of the edifices on Acropol. Athens were probably the most beautiful city I have ever seen.