Przetłumacz :D
Idz prosto ulicą Matejki . Cały czas idz prosto . Skreć w lewo na ulice Lidzbarską . Idz prosto .! Miniesz I LO . Idz prosto . Na swiatłach skreć w prawo . Idz prosto . Kino jest na ulicy Mostowej . Obok apteki i naprzeciwko banku :)
pomocy :)

Odpowiedź :

Go straight ahead Matejko. Go straight all the time. Turn left on the streets Lidzbarska. Go straight.! You pass the I LO. Go straight. At light, turn right
.The cinema is next to the pharmacy and in front of the bank
Proszę :)
Go straight ahead Matejko. Go straight all the time. Turn left on the streets Lidzbarska. Go straight. Mini I LO. Go straight. At light, turn right. The cinema is next to the pharmacy and in front of the bank.
Go straight Matejka's street, all time. Next turn left in Lidzbarska's street. You will pass first LO. Go straight. On traffic lights turn right.Cinema is beside pharmacy and opposite bank