Odpowiedź :
✎ I would like to introduce to you my best friend Catherine. We have known each other since we were at nursery school. She's always been of great support to me. Whenever I needed help at school or at university, she's always been out there to give me a hand. When I was affected by an unpleasant situation, she would always provide me with an indispensable piece of advice.
As far as her physical appearance is concerned, I believe Catherine is one of the most gorgeous-looking girls I've ever become acquainted with. Although she's in her early thirties, she looks as if she was in her mid-twenties. She's of average height. She's always been a very slim person, and everyone kept encouraging her to gain some weight. Her long jet black hair and beautiful sparkling eyes make me feel as if I was the happiest person in the world. Every time she accompanies me at my workplace, my colleagues can't take their eyes off her.
My best friend is said to be the most level-headed lass that I've known. Although people perceive me as an even-tempered person, I sometimes can't help swearing. I've never noticed it concerns her, though. She always thinks of all the possible solutions to a problem, and is able to tackle them in an excellent way. Except for being sensitive, she's also compassionate. She never refuses to help strangers.
Luckily, we share the same interests. She is an outgoing person and likes getting to know open-minded people. She's also fond of learning foreign languages. She speaks English, German, and Italian. She wishes she spoke Japanese. If she could, she would talk to her friends for hours. She's really into shopping. It is often the case she can't resist buying a stylish dress.
All things considered, there is an exceptional bond between us. We understand each other without words. In fact, we have never had an argument.
✎ I would like to introduce to you my best friend Matthias. We have known each other since we were at nursery school. He has always been of great support to me. Whenever I needed help at school or at university, he's always been out there to give me a hand. When I was affected by an unpleasant situation, he would always provide me with an indispensable piece of advice.
As far as his physical appearance is concerned, I believe Matthias is one of the most handsome boys I have ever become acquainted with. Although he's in his early thirties, he looks as if he was in his mid-twenties. He's of average height. He's always been a very slim person, and everyone kept encouraging him to gain some weight. He has got short black hair and sparkling eyes.
My best friend is said to be the most level-headed lad that I have known. Despite the fact people perceive me as an even-tempered person, I sometimes can't help swearing. I've never noticed it concerns him, though. He always thinks of all the possible solutions to a problem, and is able to tackle them in an excellent way. Except for being sensitive, he's also compassionate. He never refuses to help strangers.
Luckily, we share the same interests. He is an outgoing person and likes getting to know open-minded people. He's also fond of learning foreign languages. He speaks English, German, and Italian. He wishes he spoke Japanese. If he could, he would talk to his friends for hours. Other than that, he's really into computer programming.
All things considered, there is an exceptional bond between us. We understand each other without words. In fact, we have never had an argument.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie/Kind regards
Idczak Marcin
Praca podlega ochronie prawnej w zakresie ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych z dnia 4 lutego, 1994 roku, rozdział 14, Art. 115., Art. 116., Art. 117.
Mnie zawsze pomaga, jak sobie wypiszę od punktów to, co ma się znaleźć w tekście. Spróbuj też tak zrobić - a poniżej jeszcze dalsze wskazówki. :)
Jak chyba każdy tekst, tutaj powinno się znaleźć parę elementów: wstęp, rozwinięcie i zakończenie.
Tutaj przedstawiasz przyjaciółkę / przyjaciela. Mówisz, kiedy i gdzie się poznaliście, ile się znacie, gdzie mieszka. Dodajesz jakąś ogólną informację.
* My (best) friend is...
* I am going to describe my friend...
* X is my best friend....
* We met in 2010. / We met in high school.
* We have known each other for X years.
* She/he lives in XYZ. / She is my neighbour.
* She / he is X years old.
Tutaj najwięcej opisujesz i rozwijasz poszczególne punkty. Nie wspominasz w poleceniu o wyglądzie, ale gdyby było Ci to potrzebne, to proszę:
* (X is) tall/short, slim/chubby, pretty/not so pretty, beautiful, handsome
* (X has) short/long - długie/krótkie, straight/curly - proste/kręcone, bright/dark - jasne/ciemne, blonde/black/brown - blond/czarne/brązowe, hair - włosy
* (X wears) dresses, skirts, blouses, suits, shirts, T-shirts, sweaters, tracksuits, sports clothes, trainers, shoes
cechy charakteru:
* funny - zabawny, optimistic, nice - miły, polite - uprzejmy, intelligent, kind, easygoing, honest, reserved, quiet
jeśli chcesz napisać, że ma jakieś wady, to np.:
* X is always late - X zawsze się spóźnia
* she / he sometimes talks too much - ona / on czasem za dużo mówi ;)
* X likes... - X lubi..., X doesn't like... - X nie lubi, his/her favourite ... is... - jego/jej ulubiony ... to...
* drawing / gymnastics / tennis / playing games / cooking / singing / travelling
* His / her hobby is...
* physics, biology, science, literature, culture
* He / she is interested in...
Tu możesz napisać, za co tę osobę lubisz, możesz wyrazić jakąś nadzieję na przyszłość itd. Np.
* I like her / him because...
* She / he is my best friend because...
* I like spending time with her / him
* I hope we will be friends forever.
* I hope we will go to the same school / university.
Pilnujesz sobie też długość, sprawdzasz na końcu, czy nie ma błędów, literówek itp.