Przetłumacz na język angielski zdania:
1. Moi przyjaciele nie przyszli na przyjęcie.
2. Ten film nie był interesujący. On był nudny.
3. Czy to ćwiczenie jest trudne?
4. Moja siostra urodziła się 10 lat temu.
5. Mój brat wczoraj nie odrobił pracy domowej.
6. Kiedy ostatnio byłeś w kinie?
7. Gdzie byliście w ostatnie wakacje ?
8. Czy spotkaliście swoich przyjaciół w ostatni weekend.
9. Wczoraj poszliśmy na zakupy.
10. Moi rodzice nie dorastali w tym mieście.

Odpowiedź :

1. My friends didn't come to the celebration.
2. This film wasn't intresting. It as boring
3. Is this excersise hard?
4. My sister was born 10 years ago.
5. My brother didn't do his homework yesterday.
6. When was the lat time you went to the cinema?
7. Where were you last holiday?
8. Did you meet you friends last weekend?
9. Yesterday we went shopping.
10. My parents wren't raised in this city.
1 My friends did not come to accept
2 This movie was not interesting. It was boring.
3 Is this exercise is difficult?
4 My sister was born 10 years ago.
5 My brother does not regained yesterday's homework.
6 When last were you at the cinema?
7 Where were you in last vacation?
8 Whether you met his friends last weekend.
9 Yesterday we went shopping.
10 My parents grew up in this city.
1. My friends aren't going to the party.
2. This film isn't interesting. It's boring.
3. Does this exercise be hard?
4. My sister was born ten years ago.
5. My brother didn't do his homework yesterday.
6. When do you last be in the cinema?
7. Where did you be at holiday?
8. Did you meet yours friends last week?
9. Yesterday, we went shopping.
10. My parents wasn't growing up in this town.

mam nadzieję, że dobrze napisałam te zdania. Jeśli nie, z góry przepraszam.