Write about your favourite photo.Answer the questions:
1.What's your favourite photo?
2.who took it? when?Where?
3.tell me more about who or what is in the photo
4.what was happening when you took the photo?
5.where do you keep it? why do you like it?

Odpowiedź :

Piszą o waszym faworycie *photo.Answer* pytania (zagadnienie): *1.What's* wasz faworyt fotografii? *2.who* wziął to? Kiedy?Gdzie? *3.tell* ja większa ilość (bardziej; więcej) o kto (który) albo co jest w fotografii *4.what* zdarzał się kiedy wy wzięliście fotografię? *5.where* robi wy utrzymujecie to? Dlaczego robi wy lubicie to?
1.Jakie jest twoje ulubione zdjęcie? np. My favourite photo is photo of me and my friend Arek.
2.Kto je zrobił? Gdzie i kiedy? np. I. In my Rome,last summer.
3.Powiedz więcej. np. In the picture you can see Forum Romanum.You can see few shops and a statue.I am drinking orange juice and Arek is taking picture of Forum.
4.Co sie stało? np. We were drinking orange juice and sightseeing.
5. I like it because it reminds me of this holidays.
1. My the best photo picture with holidays.
2. Was executed 2 years ago. Over Baltic sea.
3. Tells about holidays.
4. When I took it in hand these moments they remembered me with holidays.
5. Keep it in my cabinet.