Przetłumacz na j.angielski

W biurze podróży:
*Dzień dobry panu/pani. W czym mogę pomóc?
*Dzień dobry. Chciałabym wykupić/zarezerwować wycieczke na dwa tygodnie w lipcu.Może mi pani jakią zaproponować?
*Ależ oczywiście. Może do Włoch?
* Tak,świetnie ale jaka jest cena tej wycieczki?
*A ile osób jedzie?
* Dwoje dzieci i dwóch dorosłych.
*To koszt tej wycieczki wynosi....
*Jaki jest czas podróży ?
* Jedzie się tam .... godzin.
*A jakim środkiem transportu?
*Będą tam jakieś atrakcje?
*Tak,ale dowie się pani wszystkiego na miejscu.
*A w jakim hotelu będziemy nocować przez cały pobyt?
*W hotelu pięciogwiazdkowym.
*Dobrze w takim razie poproszę.
*Uważam że to dobry wybór,proszę o jakiś numer kontaktowy to ustalimy szczegóły.
*Mój numer to....

Odpowiedź :

* Good morning, Mr. / Mrs. Can I help you?
* Good morning. I would like to buy / book a trip for two weeks in lipcu. Maybe can you propose me anything?
* But of course. Maybe in Italy?
* Yes, great but what is the price of this trip?
* How many people going?
* Two children and two adults.
* The cost of this trip is ....
* What is the travel time?
* The travel takes .... hours.
* And what means of transport?
* Bus. (Coach.)
* There will be some attractions?
* Yes, but you will learn everything on the spot.
* What will be the hotel in which we sleep throughout the stay?
* In the five-star hotel.
* Well in that case, please.
* I think that is a good choice, please contact number that will determine the details.
* My number is ....
* Thank you, goodbye.
* Goodbye
* Good morning, Mr. / Mrs. Can I help you?
* Good morning. I would like to buy / book a trip for two weeks in July. Maybe me you what to offer?
* Of course. Maybe in Italy?
* Yes, great but what is the price of this tour?
* How many people going?
* Two children and two adults.
* The cost of this trip is ....
* What is the travel time?
* There Travels .... hours.
* And what means of transportation?
* Coach.
* There will be some attractions?
* Yes, but you will learn everything on the spot.
* A hotel in which we sleep throughout the stay?
* The five-star hotel.
* Well in that case, please.
* I think that is a good choice, please contact a number that will determine the details.
* My number is ....
* Thank you, goodbye.
* Goodbye.