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Nawet nie przeczytała tego, a zostały polskie słowa:)
Where does he live? / Where are you from? / What they concerned? / How often do you play soccer? / Where is she usually spends her holidays? / He works at the post office / They do not eat meat./ She going to be a singer. / At the moment he is looking for his glasses / They are not watch TV now / Who are you talking? / I do not climb the mountain now./ What is she doing now? / Where were you born / Are they were in school Two days ago. / Why many people emigrated to America in the nineteenth century? / How long it lasted? / When she wrote this letter / When you woke up yesterday? / They could not find work / We were not tired yesterday / She was in England last year / Yesterday I did not ate breakfast. / He did not return to home on Friday / Monday morning I saw him / Five days ago he found an old key / They wrote to me last week / At Last weekend my brother took me to the cinema / Her mother studied in France. / In last Saturday she went to party / May I help you? / Just looking around / Here is my phone number / Do you live near / We like the same kind of music / And how ! / In fact, I think this is terrible / Do not miss this!
Ale będzie pisanina:) Liczę na status najlepszego rozwiązania.
Nawet nie przeczytała tego, a zostały polskie słowa:)
Where does he live? / Where are you from? / What they concerned? / How often do you play soccer? / Where is she usually spends her holidays? / He works at the post office / They do not eat meat./ She going to be a singer. / At the moment he is looking for his glasses / They are not watch TV now / Who are you talking? / I do not climb the mountain now./ What is she doing now? / Where were you born / Are they were in school Two days ago. / Why many people emigrated to America in the nineteenth century? / How long it lasted? / When she wrote this letter / When you woke up yesterday? / They could not find work / We were not tired yesterday / She was in England last year / Yesterday I did not ate breakfast. / He did not return to home on Friday / Monday morning I saw him / Five days ago he found an old key / They wrote to me last week / At Last weekend my brother took me to the cinema / Her mother studied in France. / In last Saturday she went to party / May I help you? / Just looking around / Here is my phone number / Do you live near / We like the same kind of music / And how ! / In fact, I think this is terrible / Do not miss this!
Ale będzie pisanina:) Liczę na status najlepszego rozwiązania.
Gdzie on mieszka?
Where does he live?
Where are you from?/Skąd pochodzisz?/
Czym oni sie zajmują? What do they do?
How often do you play football?/Jak często grasz w piłkę?/
Gdzie ona zazwyczaj spędza wakacje?/
Where does she usually spend her holidays?
On pracuje na poczcie/He works at the Post Office
Oni nie jedzą mięsa/ They don't eat meat.
Ona chce zostać piosenkarka/ She wants to be a singer
W tej chwili ona szuka swoich okularów/ She's looking for her glasses at the moment.
Oni nie oglądają teraz TV/ They aren't watching TV now.
Z kim rozmawiasz?/ Who are you talking with?
Nie wspinam się teraz po górach/ I'm not climbing mountains now
Co ona teraz robi?/ What is she doing now?
Gdzie się urodziłeś/ Where were you born?
Czy oni byli w szkole dwa dni temu/ Were they at school 2 days ago?
Dlaczego tylu ludzi wyjechało do USA w XIX wieku?/Why did so many people left for the USA in 19th century?
Jak długo to trwało?/ How long did it last?
Kiedy ona napisała ten list/ When did she write this letter?
O której wczoraj wstałeś/What time did you get up yesterday?
Oni nie mogli znaleźć pracy/They couldn't find a job.
Nie byliśmy wczoraj zmęczeni/We weren't tired yesterday.
Ona nie była w Anglii w zeszłym roku/ She wasn't in England last year.
Nie jadłem wczoraj śniadania/I didn't eat breakfast yesterday.
On nie wrócił w piątek do domu/ He didn't come back home on Friday
Widziałem go wczoraj rano/ I saw him yesterday morning
Pięć dni temu on znalazł stary klucz/ He found an old key five days ago.
Oni napisali do mnie w zeszłym tygodniu/They wrote me last week.
W zeszły weekend mój brat zabrał mnie do kina/My brother took me to the cinema last weekend
Jej mama studiowała we Francji/Her mother studied in France.
W zeszła sobotę ona poszła na przyjecie/She went for a party last Saturday.
W czym mogę pomóc?/How can I help you?
Tylko się rozglądam/I'm just looking around
Oto mój numer telefonu/Here's my phone number
Mieszkasz w pobliżu/ Do you live nearby?
Lubimy ten sam rodzaj muzyki/We like the same music.
And how!Jeszcze jak!/
Prawdę mówiąc, uważam że to jest straszne/ Honestly, I think it's horrible
Nie przegap tego! Don't miss it.
Poprzednie rozwiązanie zawiera błędy!!!!
Where does he live?
Where are you from?/Skąd pochodzisz?/
Czym oni sie zajmują? What do they do?
How often do you play football?/Jak często grasz w piłkę?/
Gdzie ona zazwyczaj spędza wakacje?/
Where does she usually spend her holidays?
On pracuje na poczcie/He works at the Post Office
Oni nie jedzą mięsa/ They don't eat meat.
Ona chce zostać piosenkarka/ She wants to be a singer
W tej chwili ona szuka swoich okularów/ She's looking for her glasses at the moment.
Oni nie oglądają teraz TV/ They aren't watching TV now.
Z kim rozmawiasz?/ Who are you talking with?
Nie wspinam się teraz po górach/ I'm not climbing mountains now
Co ona teraz robi?/ What is she doing now?
Gdzie się urodziłeś/ Where were you born?
Czy oni byli w szkole dwa dni temu/ Were they at school 2 days ago?
Dlaczego tylu ludzi wyjechało do USA w XIX wieku?/Why did so many people left for the USA in 19th century?
Jak długo to trwało?/ How long did it last?
Kiedy ona napisała ten list/ When did she write this letter?
O której wczoraj wstałeś/What time did you get up yesterday?
Oni nie mogli znaleźć pracy/They couldn't find a job.
Nie byliśmy wczoraj zmęczeni/We weren't tired yesterday.
Ona nie była w Anglii w zeszłym roku/ She wasn't in England last year.
Nie jadłem wczoraj śniadania/I didn't eat breakfast yesterday.
On nie wrócił w piątek do domu/ He didn't come back home on Friday
Widziałem go wczoraj rano/ I saw him yesterday morning
Pięć dni temu on znalazł stary klucz/ He found an old key five days ago.
Oni napisali do mnie w zeszłym tygodniu/They wrote me last week.
W zeszły weekend mój brat zabrał mnie do kina/My brother took me to the cinema last weekend
Jej mama studiowała we Francji/Her mother studied in France.
W zeszła sobotę ona poszła na przyjecie/She went for a party last Saturday.
W czym mogę pomóc?/How can I help you?
Tylko się rozglądam/I'm just looking around
Oto mój numer telefonu/Here's my phone number
Mieszkasz w pobliżu/ Do you live nearby?
Lubimy ten sam rodzaj muzyki/We like the same music.
And how!Jeszcze jak!/
Prawdę mówiąc, uważam że to jest straszne/ Honestly, I think it's horrible
Nie przegap tego! Don't miss it.
Poprzednie rozwiązanie zawiera błędy!!!!