Proszę o pomoc mam dwa listy napisać po angielsku i napisałam już po polsku i gdybyście mogli mi przerobić na angielski... Bardzo proszę o pomoc, ten pierwszy list mam na jutro a drugi na czwartek..

Pierwszy list:
Cześć Mona,
Co tam u Ciebie słychać? Ja jestem na obozie młodzieżowym.
Będę tu jeszcze jakieś dwa tygodnie. Celem tego obozu młodzieżowego jest rozwijanie kreatywności, koncentracji, rozwagi i odpowiedzialności. Ćwiczymy również umiejętność posługiwania się językiem obcym. Moi koledzy z obozu pochodzą z Niemiec i nie mówią dobrze po angielsku dlatego nie mogę ich czasem zrozumieć. Poznałam tu ciekawego chłopca. On umie grac na skrzypcach. Zagrał dla mnie własny utwór. Zaprzyjaźniłam się z nim. Ten obóz jest super. Wiele się tu nauczyłam. Jak tylko wrócę z obozu obiecuję że wyśle Ci zdjęcia to sama zobaczysz jak tu fajnie:) Musimy razem kiedyś pojechać na taki obóz. Odpisz szybciutko. Pozdrawiam Cię serdecznie.

Drugi List:
Cześć Tomek,
Co tam u Ciebie słychać? Piszę do Ciebie list żeby Ci opowiedzieć o niezwykłym wydarzeniu które wydarzyło się niedawno w moim życiu. Tydzień temu gdy szedłem sobie do domu z wieczornego spaceru z psem spotkałem Kasię Cerekwicką i nie uwierzysz, zatrzymała mnie i chciała pogadać. Wziąłem od niej autograf. Ona jest sławną piosenkarką. Ma 24 lata. Interesuję się sportem ekstremalnym i lubi czasem przeczytać dobrą książkę. Lubi też chodzić na spacery i oglądać tv. Jak ją spotkałem to wyglądała ślicznie. Miała na sobie piękną długą czerwoną suknie. Włosy miała upięte do tyłu. Miała czarne sandałki i czarną torebkę. Zapytałem ją czemu wybrała karierę piosenkarko i odpowiedziała że lubi swoją pracę, lubi śpiewać. Jak przestaliśmy rozmawiać poszliśmy do kawiarni na kawę. Wypiliśmy kawę i zjedliśmy ciastko i niestety ona musiała już iść. Dała mi swój numer telefonu i powiedziała że mam fajnego psa. Poszedłem odprowadzić ją do limuzyny która po nią przyjechała i pożegnaliśmy się i pojechała. do tej pory nie mogę uwierzyć że ją spotkałem. To było super doświadczenie. Nigdy nie zapomnę tego spotkania. Fajnie mi się z nią rozmawiało i piło kawę. Było miło. Muszę kiedyś do niej zadzwonić. To wszystko co chciałem Ci napisać. Odpisz szybko. Pozdrawiam Cię serdecznie.

Ps. Odwiedź mnie kiedyś jak będziesz miał czas. Serdecznie Cię zapraszam.

Odpowiedź :

Hi Mona
How are you? I am in the camp.I will be here two weeks.
1.Reverence Mona what there at you is heard? I am on a youth camp.
I here will still be some two weeks. Developing the creativity is an aim of this youth camp, of the concentration, the deliberation and the responsibility. We are also exercising the ability of speaking in a language for strangers. My friends from the camp come from Germany and they aren't speaking well in English therefore I cannot sometimes understand them. I got to know the interesting boy here. He knows garden hoes on the violin. He played the own work for me. I made friends with him. This camp is super. A lot here I learnt. How I will only come back from the camp I promise that it will send you photographs alone you will see like here great:) we must at one time go by the time to such a camp. Answer quickly. I am greeting you warmly.

2.Reverence Tomek what there at you is heard? I am writing a letter to you in order to tell you about the unusual event which happened recently in my life. The week ago when I went away home from the evening walk with the dog I met Kasia Cerekwicka and you won't believe, she stopped me and she wanted to have a word. I took the autograph from it. She is a famous singer. He is 24 years old. I am interested in an extreme sport and he likes sometimes to read the good book. He likes also to go to .. lessons for walks and to watch the TV. If I met her she looked beautifully. She had on herself beautiful long red dresses. She had hair pinned up to the back. She had black sandals and the black bag. I asked her what she had chosen the career for singer and she answered that he liked his work, he likes to sing. How we stopped talking we went to a café for the coffee. We drank the coffee and we ate the cookie and unfortunately it had to already go. She gave me her telephone number and she said I had the cool dog. I went to carry it to the limousine which came for it and we said goodbye and she went. so far I cannot believe I met it. It was super experiencing. I will never forget this meeting. They great for me talked to her and it drank the coffee. It was nicely. I must at one time call her. That's all what I wanted for you to write. Answer quickly. I am greeting you warmly.

Dissuade me at one time from the pseud. how you will have time. I am inviting you cordially.
Hi Mona.
What there at you is heard? I am on a youth camp.
I here will still be some two weeks. Developing the creativity, the concentration, the deliberation and the responsibility is an aim of this youth camp. We are also exercising the ability of using a foreign language. My friends from the camp come from Germany and they aren't speaking well in English therefore I cannot sometimes understand them. I got to know the interesting boy here. He can paly on the violin. He played the own work for me. I made friends with him. This camp is cool. A lot here I learnt. How I will only come back from the camp I promise that it will send you photographs alone you will see like here great:) we must at one time go by the time to such a camp. Answer quickly. I am greeting you warmly.

Hi Tomek what there at you is heard? I am writing a letter to you in order to tell you about the unusual event which happened recently in my life. The week ago when I went away home from the evening walk with the dog I met Kasia Cerekwicka and you won't believe, she stopped me and she wanted to have a word. I took the autograph from her. She is a famous singer. He has 24 years. I am interested in an extreme sport and he likes sometimes to read the good book. He likes also to go to walks and to watch the TV. If I met her she looked beautifully. She had on herself beautiful long red dresses. She had hair pinned up to the back. She had black sandals and the black bag. I asked her what she had chosen the career for singer and she answered that he liked his work, he likes to sing. How we stopped talking we went to a café for the coffee. We drank the coffee and we ate the cookie and unfortunately she had to already go. She gave me her telephone number and she said I had the cool dog. I went to carry it to the limousine which came for her and we said goodbye and she went. so far I cannot believe I met her. It was super experiencing. I will never forget this meeting. They great for me talked to her and it drank the coffee. It was nicely. I must at one time call her. That's all what I wanted for you to write. Answer quickly. I am greeting you warmly. Ps. Visit me at one time how you will have time. I am inviting you cordially.