Proszę o przetłumaczenie.

Polska- państwo położone w Europie Środkowej nad Morzem Bałtyckim. Graniczy z Niemcami,Czechami,Słowacją ,Ukrainą, Białorusią, Litwą i Rosją . Językiem ojczystym jest język Polski.
Kraj jest podzielony na 16 województw.Polska liczy ok.40 milionów mieszkańców. Polscy to bardzo gościnny naród słynący z dobrego jedzenia i alkoholu. Stolicą Polski jest Warszawa.
W Polsce jest bardzo wiele zabytków do odwiedzenia przez turystów. Mamy piękne góry,zamki,pałace,pomniki,kopalnie,sztolnie itp.
Z Polski pochodzi bardzo wiele wielkich artystów takich jak:
Kopernik, Matejko,Żeromski,Kochanowski,Asnyk,,Niemen
i wiele innych artystów.
W Polsce można uprawiać wszystkie dyscypliny sportu np:
jazda konna,narty,wspinaczka,łowienie ryb,pływanie,żeglarstwo itp.
Według mnie Polska to jeden z najpiękniejszych krajów na Świecie.

Odpowiedź :

Poland and the country located in Central Europe on the Baltic Sea. Borders with Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. Mother tongue language is Polish.
The country is divided into 16 województw.Polska has about 40 million inhabitants. Polish people are very hospitable people, renowned for its good food and alcohol. Polish capital city is ...
Poland - the country located in Central Europe on the Baltic Sea. Borders with Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. Mother tongue language is Polish.
The country is divided into 16 województw.Polska has about 40 million inhabitants. Polish people are very hospitable people, renowned for its good food and alcohol. Polish capital of Warsaw is.
In Poland there are a lot of sights to visit by tourists. We have beautiful mountains, castles, palaces, monuments, mines, tunnels, etc.
The Polish comes a lot of great artists such as:
Copernicus, Matejko Zeromski, Kochanowski, Asnyk,, Neman
and many other artists.
In Poland you can practice all sports, eg:
horseback riding, skiing, climbing, fishing, swimming, sailing, etc.
In my opinion Poland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

nie wiem czy dobrze ale staralam sie ;]
POLAND - country located in Central Europe on the Baltic Sea. Borders with Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. Mother tongue language is Polish.
The country is divided into 16 provinces. Poland has about 40 million inhabitants. Polish people are very hospitable people, renowned for its good food and alcohol. Polish capital of Warsaw is.
In Poland there are a lot of sights to visit by tourists. We have beautiful mountains, castles, palaces, monuments, mines, tunnels, etc.
The Polish comes a lot of great artists such as Copernicus, Matejko Zeromski, Kochanowski, Asnyk,, Neman, and many other artists.
In Poland you can practice all sports eg horse riding, skiing, climbing, fishing, swimming, sailing, etc.
In my opinion Poland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.