Przetłumacz (w czasie PAST SIMPLE !)

1) Byłem w szkole wczoraj-
2) Ona nie była u dentysty w zeszły poniedziałek-
3) Czy byłeś w kinie dwa dni temu ? -
4) On poszedł na zakupy w zeszłą sobotę-
5) My nie kupiliśmy tej książki wczoraj-
6) Czy one napisały e-maila w zeszłym tygodniu? -

Odpowiedź :

1.I was in school yesterday
2.She wasn't at the dentist on last Mondaay
3.Were you in the cinema two days ago?
4.He went for shopping on last Sathurday
5.My didn't buy this book yesterday.
6.Did they write an e-mail last week?
1. yesterday i was at school.
2. on last monday she didn't went to dentist.
3. were you in cinema two days ago?
4.on last saturday he went to shopping.
5. we didn't buy this book yesterday.
6.did they write e-mail in last week?
1. I was in school yesterday
2. she wasn' t in dentist last monday
3. Did you was in cinema two days ago
4. He was schooping last saturady
5. We never bought this book yesterday
6. Did they wrote e-mail in last week

PS. Zobacz wczesniejsze odpowiedzi na Twoje pytanie nie odmienili czasownikow nieregularne ;] i maja zle