Prosze przetłumaczyc mi zdania:
1.Moja rodzina nie była nad morzem w zeszłym roku.
2.Popatrz nasi sąsiedzi sadzą drzewka.
3.Czy podoba ci sie ten obraz?
4.Kto nie odrobił zadania domowego wczoraj.
5.Mój przyjaciel widział wczoraj ducha.
6.Oni zazwyczaj wysyłają wiadomości o 5.

Odpowiedź :

1.My family was not at the seaside last year.
2.Look our neighbors trees with soot.
3.Whether you like this picture?
4.Who not regained homework yesterday.
5.My friend yesterday saw a ghost.
6.They usually send messages to 5
1. My family wasn't at the seaside in the past year.
2. Look at our neighbors they plant trees.
3. Do you like this picture?
4. Who don't regained homework yesterday.
5. My friend yesterday saw a ghost.
6. They usually send messages to 5 o'clock.
1. My family wasn't at he sea last year.
3. Would you like this painting?
4. Who didn't do the homework yesterday?
5. My friend saw a ghost yesterday.
6. They usually send e-mails at 5.