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z góry dziękuje .<Na 16.11 to mam >;)PROSZE

Odpowiedź :

Step Up, directed by Ann Fletcher, can be called THE present-day 'Dirty dancing'. This time the role of THE boy from A poor family is played by Channing Tatum (Tyler) and his dance partner is Nora (Jenna Dewan).
The plot focuses on two young people. Nora is A talented ballet dancer. She comes from A rich home and STUDIES AT THE PRESTIGIOUS Music and Dance Academy. She is A succesful person but she has one problem - he NEEDS A partner to dance WITH AT her degree show. Tyler comes from the worse AREA OF Baltimore. His life is hopeless, HE DOES NOT ALWAYS OBEY THE LAW. He dreams about MOVING TO A better world.
The story begins when Tyler once again breaks the LAW and as punishment he has to work AT THE Music and Dance Academy. One day, during work, Tyler revealS TO Nora his DANCING talent. Nora decideS to make THE street dancer her partner for THE degree show. During PRACTICE SESSIONS, A strong feeling BEGINS TO DEVELOP between Nora and Tylor, thanks TO WHICH Tylor start to believe that he can change his life. For him THE SHOW MAY BE A ticket to A better life. It is A chance which MAY never HAPPEN AGAIN / IT COULD BE THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME...
THE film can BE PUT IN THE SAME CATEGORY AS 'Honey', 'In Hip-Hop rythm' and '8Mile' because they are quite similar.It is A great film for people who like modern dance adn hip-hop, dancehall and r'n'b music.
In my opinion this film is amazing because THE dance skils showN in 'Step up' and THE soundtrack are unbelieveable.