przetlumacz na angielski
1.Skończyliśmu jużprace i idziemy do domu
2.Przeczytałam tę ksiażkę i myślę ze nie warto jej czytać
3.Właśnie napisałem list do Brownów i teraz idę go wysłac.
4.Ostatnie nie widziałem żadnych interesujacych filmów.

Odpowiedź :

1.We finishedalready work and go home
2.I read this book and I think it's not worth it to read
3.Just wrote a letter to Brownów and now I am going to send him.
4.Ostatnie not seen any interesting films.
2 Finished already works and we go to house
3 Read this book and I think, it that was not it been proper her to read
4 wrote to Bronów letter Just and I go him to send now
5 did not see no interesting films Recently

1. We have finished our work and go home
2. I read this book and I think it's not worth it to read
3. I just wrote a letter to Brown and now I am going to send him.
4. Last I have not seen any interesting films.