proszę o przetłumaczenie na angielski :
Studentka: dzień dobry!
Student: dzień dobry!
Studentka: Miesiąc temu Zamawiałam w u państwa przez
internet zaproszenia ślubne. Obiecano mi, że otrzymam je w ciagu
dwóch tygodni. Niestety dotarły do mnie dopiero dzisiaj. okazało się,
że nie sa to te zaproszenia, na które czekałam. jest to zupełnie inny
wzór. moje miały być czerwone, te są niebieskie. Żądam od państwa wyjaśnień.
Student: bardzo panią przepraszamy. Nastąpiła pomyłka. W ostatnim czasie
mamy bardzo dużo zamówień,stąd opóżnienia w dostawie. Co do wzoru,
domyślam się przyczyn tego błędu. Może pani nie wierzyć, ale w tym samym czasie co pani
złożyła u nas zamówienie kobieta o takim samym imieniu i nazwisku, zamówiła zaproszenia
niebieskie. nasz pracownik zapewne pomylił adresy pań i stąd ta pomyłka.
Obiecuję, że jak najszybciej postarmy się to naprawić. Nasza firma jest solidna,
pierwszy raz nam się to zdarzylo.
Studentka: no nie byłabym taka pewna , czy to pierwszy raz. Moja znajoma również u
Państwa zamawiała zaproszenia i tak jak ja otrzymała inne. Ale nie ważne. To kiedy moge spodziewać się
tych zaproszeń, które zamówiłam?
Student: Niech Pani jak najszybciej odesle otrzymane zaproszenia, jak tylko do nas dotrą wyślemy pani
prawidłowe. Pomyłkę wynagrodzimy pani w postaci 30%zniżki. Jeszcze raz przepraszamy i zachęcamy do zakupów
w naszej firmie! Do usłyszenia!

Odpowiedź :

A student: good morning! Student: Good morning! Student: A month ago, requested the State wu wedding invitations on the Internet. I was promised that I would receive them within two weeks. Unfortunately I arrived only today. it turned out that these are not a call for which I waited. this is a totally different pattern. I had to be red, they are blue. I am seeking clarification from the state.Student: Very sorry lady. There was a mistake. Recently, we have a lot of orders, hence the delays in delivery. As for design, I guess the reasons for this error. Maybe you do not believe, but at the same time as you order from us by a woman of the same name and surname, ordered invitations blue. Our staff probably wrong addresses women and hence the mistake. I promise that as soon as possible postarmy to fix it. Our company is solid, the first time we are. I promise that as soon as possible postarmy to fix it. Our company is solid, the first time it happened to us. Student: no not so sure I would have been if the first time. My friend also in the Member requested the invitation, and as I received the other. But it is not important. So when can I expect these calls, which ordered a? Student: You received as soon as possible, refer the call as soon as it reaches us we will send you regular. Wynagrodzimy mistake you a 30% discount. Once again, we apologize and encourage you to purchase in our company! To hear!
A student: good day!
Student: Good morning!
A student: A month ago, requested the state of Wu
online wedding invitations. I was promised that I would receive them within
two weeks. Unfortunately I arrived only today. appeared
that are not are those invitations, which waited. is quite different
pattern. I had to be red, they are blue. I am seeking clarification from the state.
Student: Very sorry lady. There was a mistake. In recent times,
we have a lot of orders, hence the delays in delivery. As for design,
I guess the reasons for this error. Maybe you do not believe, but at the same time as you
at our request by the woman of the same name and surname, ordered invitations
blue. Our staff probably wrong addresses women and hence the mistake.
I promise that as soon as possible postarmy to fix it. Our company is solid,
The first time it happened to us.
A student: no not so sure I would have been if the first time. My friend is also in
Member States requested the invitation, and as I received the other. But it is not important. So when can I expect
these calls, which ordered a?
Student: You'd received as soon as possible, refer the call as soon as it reaches us we will send you
correct. Wynagrodzimy mistake you a 30% discount. Once again, we apologize and encourage you to purchase
in our company! To hear!