Odpowiedź :
Opisuje ten obraz; http://www.barbarajaskiewicz.pl/galerie/F/18.jpg
Obraz przedstawia kobietę i jej dziecko, które zrywa kwiaty. Podejrzewam,że jest to lato. Wspaniała kompozycja kwiatów pomaga to dostrzec.
Na obrazie jest bardzo dużo maków. Na drugim planie znajduje się jakiś człowiek , mogę przypuszczać,że to jest ojciec dziewczynki.
The painting depicts a woman and her child who breaks the flowers. I suspect that it is summer . A wonderful composition of flowers, it helps to see . The image is a lot of poppies . On the second plan is a men, I believe that this is the father of the girl .
Mam nadzieję,że pomogłam, a jeśli cos bd nie tak to napisz do mnie.
Obraz przedstawia kobietę i jej dziecko, które zrywa kwiaty. Podejrzewam,że jest to lato. Wspaniała kompozycja kwiatów pomaga to dostrzec.
Na obrazie jest bardzo dużo maków. Na drugim planie znajduje się jakiś człowiek , mogę przypuszczać,że to jest ojciec dziewczynki.
The painting depicts a woman and her child who breaks the flowers. I suspect that it is summer . A wonderful composition of flowers, it helps to see . The image is a lot of poppies . On the second plan is a men, I believe that this is the father of the girl .
Mam nadzieję,że pomogłam, a jeśli cos bd nie tak to napisz do mnie.
Mona Lisa is a 16th century portrait painted in oil by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. The work is owned by the Government of France and is on the wall in the Louvre in Paris, France with the title "Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo". It is perhaps the most famous and iconic painting in the world.
The "Mona Lisa" is a portrait which is characteristic by rather dimwits and cool colours. In the foreground we can see an enigmatic woman who is sitting. She's waering beautiful, elegant dress. In the background we can see beautiful landscape. The composition of that painting is definitely static, however opened.
The "Mona Lisa" is a portrait which is characteristic by rather dimwits and cool colours. In the foreground we can see an enigmatic woman who is sitting. She's waering beautiful, elegant dress. In the background we can see beautiful landscape. The composition of that painting is definitely static, however opened.