3 Które z podanych odpowiedzi A-C poprawnie
uzupełniają oba zdania każdej pary?
into the safe and stole
1 The burglars
secret documents.
The police believe the men who
prison had help from outside.
A escaped B opened
C broke
three banks in five days.
? by
2 The gang held
The businessman's car was blown
criminals hired by his rivals.
A on B away Cup
3 The three bank executives
? out of
on trial
The company ? bankrupt during the last
financial crisis.
A got B went C became
4 The employee was falsely accused
stealing the files.
The company directors are suspected
fraud on a huge scale.
A of B about Con
5 Canberra is the
city of Australia.
Belarus is the only European country where
punishment hasn't been abolished yet.
A main B death C capital