Email H Bill An amazing thing happened to me yesterday. At half past three I was walking home from school. S had a guitar lesson so she wasn't walking home with me. The sun was shining so I sat down on a be I decided to feed a sandwich to the pigeons and looked around me. Cyclists were cycling along the cycle path. Cars were stopping at the pedestrian crossing. Passenger were getting on and off buses at the bus stop. Two policemen were talking to a lorry driver. It was a afternoon. Suddenly, the door of the bank opened and a man came out. He was carrying a bag and a gun! He threw the gun into a rubbish bin and started to run. The policemen started to chase him. The robbe can towards the bench where I was sitting. Without thinking, I stuck my foot out. The robber tripped over my foot and fell heavily. I started shaking and the robber looked at me angrily. Luckily, the policemen got him and put handcuffs on him. Can you believe it? I was scared, but I was happy too! Wirite soon! Mickey Skills Explorer Odpowiedzi na pytania do historyjki Czytając pytania, zwróć uwagę na to, w jakim czasie są zadane. G 0 Odpowiadając na pytania dotyczące przeszłości, pan aby użyć w odpowiedzi formy przeszłej czasow Odpowiedz, zaczynając od wyrazów już poda w linii odpowiedzi. 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 3 Complete the sentences with these ve Write the answers in your notebook Morzliwe że jest nie wyraźnie więc to podręcznik junior Explorer kl6 Czy mógłby ktoś przetłumaczyć​