Zadanie 2. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (2.1.-2.4.) literę, którą ozna-
czono brakujące zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Today was a very special day for me. 2.1. He often works long hours, has little time for himself
and travels a lot, so the first thing I did was telephone his workplace just to make sure that he was there.
I suddenly thought it would be a great idea to make a birthday cake for him and take it to his
workplace. I spent two hours making one and decorated it with fresh fruit. I was really proud of myself
because I was making a lot of the decoration for the first time. For example, there was a lotus flower, cut
from a melon with a special Thai knife. It was filled with blackberries and looked both outstanding and de-
licious. 2.3. I packed it into a cake tin and ran to my car. When I'd reached the cool and elegant hall of
my friend's company, something terrible happened.... 2.4. You should have seen my friend's face, when
they found me lying on the floor surrounded by bits of cake and fruit.......
A. I put it on the top of the cake, made some leaves from kiwi fruit and admired my work for a few
minutes because it looked simply perfect!
B. The heel on one of my shoes broke and I fell over!
C. It was my friend's birthday, so I decided to surprise him.
D. I bought a really nice leather wallet and gave it to them
E. A nice voice at the other end of the line told me that he was at work that day.

Zadanie 2 04 Przeczytaj Tekst Z Którego Usunięto Cztery Zdania Wpisz W Każdą Lukę 2124 Literę Którą Ozna Czono Brakujące Zdanie AE Tak Aby Otrzymać Logiczny I S class=