The Crooked House (Krzywy Domek)
in Sopot ¹(luka)
on the list of the fifty strangest
buildings in the world. This is because of its shape.
It looks like a house from a fairy tale, but inside
it is 2(luka)
modern as other famous new
of different events take
place in it, for example, business meetings,
teleconferences or cultural shows. Some
of the largest Polish and foreign businesses have
opened their offices here. In the building,
buildings. A ³(luka)
are also some popular shops,
restaurants and clubs. Every day lots of people
visit the place. They can have a meal, visit
a hairdresser's or a beauty salon, or just(luka)
window-shopping. The Crooked House is a place
that never sleeps.

Trzeba uzupelnic luki jakimisi slowanie ktore nie sa nigdzie podane