Imię i nazwisko:
Zestaw 2
Zadanic 8. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (8.1-8.4.) literę, którą oznaczono
brakujące zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
What do flowers like nasturtiums, daisies or damask roses have in common? They are
all edible flowers. The trend to use flowers in food seems to be becoming more and
more popular these days. 8.1. But flowers can be used in many other ways than
just making dishes look good. 8.2.______
The idea of using flowers in food making goes back to ancient Rome, but edible
flowers enjoyed top popularity in the 19th century. They were easy to grow and
Victorian gardens were full of them. 8.3. Flowers, on the other hand, were a much
cheaper alternative.
Not everyone, though, is keen on the growing use of flowers in food making. The main
argument against flowers is that they are not always safe to eat. 8.4. What is more,
some of them can only be eaten in very small amounts because they can be toxic.
However, if used carefully and with good knowledge, flowers can be an interesting
addition to a number of dishes.
A. At that time, many spices and herbs were too expensive to use in daily cooking.
B. For example, some of them are made into jams and added into jellies.
C. They were brought into the country from all over the world.
D. Chefs in top restaurants all over the world are now using them for decorating their dishes.
E. They may contain insects and you can't wash them like vegetables.

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