Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania.
Wpisz w każdą lukę (1-4) literę, którą oznaczono
brakujące zdanie (a-e), tak aby otrzymać logiczny
i spójny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
My name is Nadia. I'm 12.
I have curly, brown hair and
blue eyes. I like hanging out
with my friends and listening
to music. They're great!
I also like sending text
messages and phoning my
My family is really big. I live with my mum and
He's got two
my stepfather. I like our home. 2
children, a son and a daughter. Their names are
Emily and Jason. Emily has got blonde hair and
She also loves making
green eyes. She's 14.3
cakes. Jason is six. He's very noisy. He likes
watching TV and playing with his toys. They're both
really nice!
I have a great-grandfather and a great-grandmother.
They live in Poland. 4 I like going to Poland
because I also see all my aunts, uncles and cousins,
too. We always have fun!
A. MY stepfather is very niece.
BIt’s got four bedrooms
Cshe’s sporty and does karate
DWe visit them in the summer
E My favorite band is the jonas brothers

Rozumie Przeczytaj Tekst Z Którego Usunięto Cztery Zdania Wpisz W Każdą Lukę 14 Literę Którą Oznaczono Brakujące Zdanie Ae Tak Aby Otrzymać Logiczny I Spójny Te class=