Across 3...... - short hair that hangs down over your forehead. 7-good-looking, physically attractive. 8. In his ..... thirties - aged roughly around 37-39. 13...... - heavier than you should be. 14... - covered in grease or oil. 15.- your hand when your fingers are closed tightly. Down 1...... - no longer young but not yet old. 2.- not beautiful or attractive. 4...... - the - the part in the middle of the arm where it bends. S......- the narrow part in the middle s of the human body, 6. a.....-built person is large and strong. 7......- the rounded back part of the foot. 9. a..... person is short and heavy and looks strong. - untidy and looking a little dirty. 1......- having little fat on your body. 12...... - very pretty or attractive. 14 12 CROSSWORD DEFINITIONS #2 13 10 15 11