Zadanie 2. Uzupełnij luki w poniższym tekście słowami utworzonymi od słów podanych z prawej strony tekstu. (5 punktów) THE BUSINESS OF ADVERTISING Many (0) SURPRISING claims are made for advertising, not least its power and amazing (1)... to sell anything. There is an (2) elementary truth about this but sometimes advertising seems a (3) waste of time. Fruit in the well-lit ads and certainly more. for example often looks more (4) than in its natural (5) (6) However this never acts as a (7). increasing (8) Whatever the (9) THE NEW MATURA GUIDE (10) business of advertising. Zadanie 3. than on the shelves of the local supermarkets. to judge by the ever of fruit reported by the shops. there seems to be very little that in this case it has anything to do with the Practice Tests for First Certificatel SURPRISE ABLE ELEMENT NEED APPETITE SURROUND ATTRACT DETER CONSUME EXPLAIN LIKE