Student 'A'
Discuss the questions below with your partner.
(1) What do you have to do after class?
(2) What do you have to do tomorrow morning?
3. What do you have to do tomorrow night?
Why do people have to go to school?
5. What do people have to do to stay strong and healthy?
6. What do people have to do to become rich?
7. What do people have to do to live to be 100 years old?
8. Do you sometimes have to do things you don't like to do? If 'yes', what?
9. What are some things you have to do to make your English better?
10. What does a good wife have to do?

Plsssss pomocy

GRAMMAR DISCUSSION HAVE TO Student A Discuss The Questions Below With Your Partner 1 What Do You Have To Do After Class 2 What Do You Have To Do Tomorrow Mornin class=