Proszę o pomoc!!
Dear Grace,
I'm in so much trouble! I always used to do reasonably well at school. My reports generally said 'well done, keep 1.... the good work'... until last term I was 2.... school for two months because of a serious illness. When I returned, I tried to catch 3....with the rest of the class, but I had fallen 4.... so badly that it was really difficult. I felt discouraged and often couldn't, get 5.... evening. I started handing ? to work in the 6.... homework late or not at all. I've also got concentration problems: I find it difficult to pay attention and note 7.... what the teachers are saying in class. And, if truth be told, I started to skip lessons because I feel so bad at school. I'm terrified. I don't want to be one of those kids who drop 8.... of school at fifteen and never get an education! Please help me - what should I do?