Popraw zdania jeśli jest w nich błąd.
Zamień na mowę zależną zdania w cudzysłowach.

He told that his mobile phone had been out of action all day. *

Susie called her husband and told him that she would be gone when he got home. *

"I will remember 1st March 2020 as a great day for the nation." The President announced ... *

Several members of the Royal Family urged Edward VIII don't abdicate. *

"Isn't this stupid behaviour for a cyclist?' The pedestrian complained ... *

They said they are working on a very complicated contract. *

We asked him if or not there was a swimming pool in town. *

"Publication may be delayed by one week." The editor told us .... *

Mary was fed up with the course. She told the lecturer I felt she couldn't complete it. *

"I have lost a contact lens so I can't see a thing!" Gary explained that ..... *

"When do you want the sofa to be delivered?" The shopkeeper asked my wife ... *

Even under great pressure he denied to have taken part in the attack. *

"You must lose at least 20 kilos." The doctor told me .... *

"The Ming Dynasty lasted for almost 300 years." The historian explained ... *

The manager told us last Friday that he wanted us in on time tomorrow to start the sale. *

"You really must do at least four hours of training a day." The traineer advised ... *

The doctor reassured the patient that the operation has been a success. *

Laura said if anybody had reported a missing child to the police yet. *

She said she wished she had still been young. *

"Intelligent life does not exist in our universe." Many astronomers believe ... *

The nurse asked when exactly had the pain started. *

I have already said you a hundred times that you are too late. *