Wykorzystujac wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij kazde zdanie z luka, tak aby zachowaé sens zdania wyjsciowego. Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W kazda luke mozesz wpisac max 5 wyrazow.
1 He'll be waiting for you whether or not you decide to show up. EVEN
He'll be waiting for you_to show up.
2 I'll give you a lift at 7 pm if it isn't too late for you. UNLESS
I will give you a lift at 7 pm_for you.
3 If everyone helped carry these boxes, we would finish the job in half an hour. THAT
_carry these boxes, we would finish the job in half an hour.
4 I really regret telling him my secret. He has already blurted it out to all my friends. ONLY
If_him my secret. He has already blurted it out to all my friends.
5 Winning the lottery would change my life dramatically. IF
_it would change my life dramatically.
6 What will you do if they refuse to negotiate with you? SUPPOSING
_with you, what will you do then?
7 If she hadn't reacted so quickly, he would have died. FOR
Had_ her quick reaction, he would have died.
8 If you happen to meet him, please pass on my greetings to him. SHOULD
_please pass on my greetings to him.
9 Being as brilliant as Albert Einstein has always been my dream. WERE
I_as Albert Einstein.
10 Unless it's too difficult, I'll be happy to arrange this meeting for you. LONG
I'll be happy to arrange this meeting for you_
not too difficult.
11 I would still believe in her lies if he hadn't been honest with me. TOLD
Had_the whole truth, I would still believe in her lies.
12 Looking back, I can say that dropping out of university was a really bad decision. WISH
I_out of university.
13 I can't speak Spanish, so I wasn't able to give directions to that Spanish couple. HAVE
If I could speak Spanish, I_give directions to that Spanish couple.
14 They will grant you access to the data, but you need to sign a confidentiality agreement first. CONDITION
They will grant you access to the data_a confidentiality agreement first.