Listening 307 Posłuchaj nagrania. Gdzie Gary pojechał na wakacje? Ile trwały? 4 Posłuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz i zaznacz (✓), co robił Gary. take a ferry go up the Empire State Building see the Statue of Liberty visit the Museum of Modern Art walk along Fifth Avenue visit Times Square go shopping see a show on Broadway visit Central Park go to the Rockefeller Center Yes 5 Odpowiedz na pytania. Następnie posłuchaj nagrania jeszcze raz i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi. 1 What time was the flight? 2 How long was the flight to New York? 3 What's the time difference between London and New York? 4 Where does Gary's uncle live in New York? 5 Where did Gary go roller skating?

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