Zadanie 8. (0-4 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Dopasuj do każdej luki (8.1.-8.4.) litery, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A-E). Uwaga: Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. INSTALLATION ART If you ever happen to be visiting the Belgian city of Bruges, you musta't miss the opportunity to see the Bruges Whale. 8.1. It was designed and created by an American-based architecture and design studio in 2018. But what is the message behind it? 8.2.. That is why the installation is made of over five tons of plastic waste. The material needed to create it was collected by volunteers on the beaches in Hawaii. 8.3. Possibly not, but the amount is enough to draw public attention to the 150 million tons of plastic that is still floating on the surface of the Pacific Ocean The Bruges Whale, also known as the Skyscraper, is an excellent example of so-called installation art. 8.4. These forms can be either permanent or temporary and may be located both indoors and outdoors. A. As the studio explained, the Whale was meant to show how huge the problem of pollution of the seas has become nowadays. B. The term usually describes art installations that change the way we see a particular place C. It's an impressive sculpture that shows this giant sea manual rising out of one of Bruges many canals. D. The main theme of the exhibition was Liquad City, and it inspired artists to create installations all over the historic part of the city. E. Do five tons of plastic rubbish sound impressive?